Rotuma Girl Tops ACS

2014, November 27 | The Fiji Sun

Noa’tau, Rotuma girl, Juleen Samuela, 19, was over the moon after being announced the Adi Cakobau School 2014 dux during the school’s prizegiving yesterday.

Juleen said she could not describe how she felt when her name was announced.

“I am relieved now because all my hard work paid off and what my parents did for me as well,” she said

She said being a Rotuman and educated at an iTaukei dominated school was never a challenge because the school had warmly welcomed any student who joined.

“It was fine. They welcomed us, been very supportive and it has an all around learning approach and not only focuses on academic work.

“My parents have always been supportive of me and the teachers at the school have always been encouraging,” she said.

Juleen credited the school for giving her an opportunity to fulfill the potential she had.

“Joining this school has always been a push factor in my achieving this award. We wake up early in the morning and study and being a boarding student has also been very helpful.”

She also won subject prizes in English, Maths, Physics, the Best Science Student and the Fiji School Leaving Certificate Highest aggregate in 2013.

Her mother, Selai Samuela, said her daughter deserved the award because she was always consistent in her work.

She admitted her daughter to ACS because she wanted her to experience boarding life in school, plus other things.


Learn more about ACS.

Rotuma Girl is 2014 Dux

By Fiji Sun Online | 27 November 2014)

Rotuma Girl Tops ACS

Noa’tau, Rotuma girl, Juleen Samuela, 19, was over the moon after being announced the Adi Cakobau School 2014 dux during the school’s prizegiving yesterday.

Juleen said she could not describe how she felt when her name was announced.

“I am relieved now because all my hard work paid off and what my parents did for me as well,” she said. 

She said being a Rotuman and educated at an iTaukei dominated school was never a challenge because the school had warmly welcomed any student who joined. 

“It was fine. They welcomed us, been very supportive and it has an all around learning approach and not only focuses on academic work. 

“My parents have always been supportive of me and the teachers at the school have always been encouraging,” she said. 

Juleen credited the school for giving her an opportunity to fulfill the potential she had. 

“Joining this school has always been a push factor in my achieving this award. We wake up early in the morning and study and being a boarding student has also been very helpful.” 

She also won subject prizes in English, Maths, Physics, the Best Science Student and the Fiji School Leaving Certificate Highest aggregate in 2013. 

Her mother, Selai Samuela, said her daughter deserved the award because she was always consistent in her work. 

She admitted her daughter to ACS because she wanted her to experience what boarding life was like in school, plus other things.