Self Confidence Paves The Way

20191010 | Ilaijia Ravuwai | The Fiji Sun

The 2019 Dux, Belinda Erasito preferred athletics but at Adi Cakobau School, she learned that with the right focus, she could balance sports with academics.

“ACS has taught me that we can be the best in anything if we put our minds to it.”

These were the sentiments of Berlinda Lupe Druava Erasito, who scored the highest in Mathematics, Accounting, Economics and computer studies to take the Adi Cakobau School dux prize.

Berlinda hails from Rotuma and has maternal links to Rewa.

The 18-year-old said: “Joining Adi Cakobau was the greatest decision that she had made,

“I never thought or imagined attending this top all-girls boarding school.

I was more into athletics but am grateful and thankful I attended ACS. The school has helped me prove that you can balance sports with academics if you put your mind to it,” Ms Erasito said.

“ACS is one of the best schools and holds its head up high in athletics and education at any given time in the school calendar.”

Berlinda dedicates her achievements to her father who lives in Rotuma.

ACS principal, Arieta Yauvoli, said that after 71 years since its establishment, the school was still surviving, still strong and still going.

“We are grateful to our prize getters here and understand that they will continue to fly the Adi Cakobau School banner in whatever future endeavours they will pursue now,” Ms Yauvoli said.

The Sawani-based school has more than 900 students.

Learn how to get at Adi Cakobau School.