Small yet a Giant by other measures

“Small in stature but a giant in every other way” 

Rest in Peace: Mereia Taufa Vakatale 1938-2023 

The Adi Cakobau School family is in mourning following the sad news of the passing of former student, teacher, principal, former President of the Old Girls Association, the late Dr. Mereia Taufa Vakatale. 

Ms Vakatale was one of the pioneer students who was selected from across Fiji to study at Adi Cakobau School in 1948, 75 years ago. She was only 9 years old at the time. 

Ms Vakatale was an excellent role model who inspired the younger female students to pursue their education. 

She was a first at many things – she was the first indigenous female student to receive a New Zealand University Entrance after she passed both the NZ UE and Senior Cambridge exams in the same year, first indigenous woman to attain a Bachelor of Arts and did so at the University of Auckland becoming the first indigenous female to attain a degree from that institution too. 

When she became Principal at Adi Cakobau School, she was the first indigenous woman to head a secondary school in Fiji and became the first local principal at that school.

She was the first national president of the Young Women Christian Association of Fiji. 

When she turned to the foreign service and served as Deputy High Commissioner to Britain, she became the first woman to attain that position. She was the first indigenous woman to be Permanent Secretary for Education, first indigenous woman to be Minister for Education. 

At the end of her political career, Ms Vakatale was the first woman Deputy Prime Minister and first woman to act as Prime Minister.

As another former student of Adi Cakobau School once said, “She was a very special OG who had contributed significantly to ACS as first local Principal, Permanent Secretary for Education, Minister for Education and Deputy Prime Minister.” After her years of service to the nation, she also contributed to our school association as its president over three years in the 90s.

All of this and more, she never once forgot her roots, or us her former students, who were not always well-behaved or well-mannered. We sang and danced with Ms Vakatale, never once doubting her leadership, her commitment to every aspect of the school’s life, to its progress and growth.

We celebrate our Principal and her legacy, recounting the many stories of the firsts that Ms Vakatale achieved in her education, career, community service and her personal life.

We extend our condolences to Alani Vakatale (90s Decade) and her family, Taufa Waqa and Marica Waqa (80s Decade), Sai Elliot and Salome Elliot (M1) and her extended family.

Rest in peace, Ma’am – Small in stature but a Giant in every other way.”

 Eda sa mai rogoca tiko na i tukutuku ni o loaloa ni rarawa e sa mai solegi keda vata tiko ena nona sa mai takali e na keda maliwa o Ms Taufa Vakatale. 

O Ms Vakatale e a dua vei ira na pioneer students, o ira era a digi me ra mai i tauyavu ni gone yalewa vuli e Adi Cakobau School e na 1948 – e na 75 na yabaki sa oti. E a se qai yabaki 9 toka ga e na gauna a mai tekivu kina. 

O Ms Vakatale e dua e a vakaraitaki vinaka ni veika saraga e a gadrevi vei ira na I sevu ni goneyalewa era a kumuni vata yani ya me ra vakavulici ena vuli torocake. 

E a liu e na veika ka kece ga -ai matai ni gone yalewa I Taukei e rawata na NZ UE, vakakoroi na Bachelor of Arts, Principal Marama ni dua na koronivuli I Viti, Deputy High Commissioner mai Peritania, Vunivola Tudei ni Vuli, Minister ni Vuli, I Vukevuke ni Prime Minister. 

E na mala ni vosa ni dua na tuakada ,” She was a very special OG who had contributed significantly to ACS as first local Principal, Permanent Secretary for Education, Minister for Education and Deputy Prime Minister.” Ni oti mai na nona veiqaravi vakamatanitu, e a mai veiliutaki talega e na noda I soqosoqo ni vuli oti e na 3 na yabaki e na 90 vakacaca. 

E dina ni rawata na veika kece oqo, e sega ni vakayawaki koya mai vei ira na nona I lala, vei keda eda gone cake, o keda eda sega ni vakaitutu cecere sara, se da tu vakavanua. E meke vata kei keda, e sega ni dau calata e dua na noda soqo se bose ka ni dau colata vakavinaka na nona I tavi e na kena vei tikina kece sara, ki na kena I vakatagedegede I cake sara. 

Eda sa mai cibitaka tu oqo na noda koronivuli kei na kena I rogorogo, ia era a sa tara oti mai na vatavata cecere o ira na a liu me vakataki Ms Vakatale e na veika era rawata vakavuli, vakacakacaka, vakaveiliutaki , ka vakatalega kina e na bula vakavanua kei na bula vakaveiwekani. 

Eda sa duavata kei Alani Vakatale (90s Decade) kei na nona matavuvale, o Taufa Waqa kei Marica Waqa (80s Decade), Sai Elliot kei Salome Elliot (M1) kei na matavuvale e na nona mai lolositaki o Ms Vakatale. 

Ni qai gole e na vakacegu , Ma’am – Small in stature but a Giant in every other way. Rest In Peace 

Vinaka vakalevu Sara, 
Ilisapeci Movono 
President – Adi Cakobau School Old Girls Inc.