Coke Games 2023 | ACS coach savours victory

PAULINI CURUQARA | 30 April, 2023

The girls believed in themselves and worked hard despite the short time for preparation.

Adi Cakobau School head coach and former middle distance runner Makelesi Bulikiobo said it wasn’t easy taking up the challenge in a short time.

Coming in as a replacement for Moape Vu, Bulikiobo said they had to work with what they had.

“It was through God’s grace that we did it,” she said.

“The girls trained their hearts out and got the results that we all need.

“I thank the athletes, the teachers, parents and supporters for their never-ending support.”

When asked if she will continue to coach the Waimanu girls at next year’s Coke Games, she said she would wait on the school’s athletics committee to decide.

Midshipman Mereseini Sokoilagi is Navy First

A milestone for the Navy with the commissioning of the first ever seagoing female officer. 

Midshipman Mereseini Sokoilagi was commissioned to the rank of Ensign after completing her two year training in Fiji and abroad in New Zealand with the Royal New Zealand Navy. 

She conducted her initial officer’s training in New Zealand in 2019 and last year she acquired her bridgewatchkeeping certificate from the Royal New Zealand Navy after completing the Officer Of the Watch Course, a course which allows her to drive patrol boats and stand watch on the bridge. 

Ensign Sokoilagi hails from the village of Naloto, Verata, in Tailevu and was educated at Adi Cakobau School in Sawani. She has recently completed a Bachelor of Science degree from Fiji National University before joining the Navy in 2018.

The Commander RFMF Rear Admiral Viliame Naupoto officiated in the parade and was witnessed by Ensign Sokoilagi’s family and members of the Naval Division. 

Ensign Sokoilagi is now posted onboard the patrol boat RFNS Savenaca as an Assistant Navigating Officer. 

Source: Fiji One News

Weather Fails To Deter ACS Crowd

By Selita Bolanavanua, Sawani | 03 Jun 2018 

Heavy rain did not deter the big crowd that turned up at Adi Cakobau School grounds yesterday to celebrate the 2018 Waterlily Pageant.

Opening the event, Permanent Secretary for the Office of the Prime Minister Yogesh Karan said the school had been performing well with high academic achieve­ments as well as excellent per­formance in extracurricular ac­tivities, in maintaining its school culture.

“The school too has remained committed and steadfast in its role of preparing young women lead­ers for our nation, a trend from the past and continuing unwaveringly today,” he said.

“For this, I commend and pay tribute to all the past administra­tors of the school, the parents and guardians, the past students, who are alumni members of the active ACSOG Association and all sup­porters.

“I understand that this is a re­vival of an age-old tradition of the school that normally was run only for the boarders and as a Saturday night activity to train girls on con­fidence and public speaking skills.

“It is now transformed to a larger scale to engage parents and fans and provide a forum for our stu­dents to expose their talents, build their confidence and enhance other learning skills.

“The strong bonds of the ACS fam­ily have always been a spectacular learning model for many schools around us. With this bonding, there is no doubt that ACS will continue to prosper in all facets of life.”

Organised by the parents’ execu­tive committee, which includes the teachers’ reps and the old girl’s reps, the event started last year.

The event was filled with music and entertainment by students and teachers.

The International Youth Fellow­ship group from South Korea also joined the event yesterday and en­tertained the crowd.

Adi Cakobau School Opens New Laundry

By Aqela Susu, Suva | 07 Sep 2015 

The handing over of the newly refurbished laundry facility should make life easier for the 400 boarders at Adi Cakobau School (ACS).

School principal Laisa Soko made the comment while acknowledging the efforts made by the school’s Old Girls Association from Nadi.

The association funded the refurbishment after holding two successful raffles and a ball at the Sheraton Fiji Resort in Nadi last year.

“The laundry was old and now that it’s been renovated it will boost the morale of the girls and also help them,” Mrs Soko said.

The school will also be getting eight dryers and washing machines.

“Knowing the weather here at ACS it is mostly raining and with the number of students we have at the hostel it will make things much easier for them as they will not be going to look for shelter to dry their clothes,” Mrs Soko said.

The ACS Old Girls Nadi branch president, Mereoni Baroka, said they raised the $20,000 funding for the refurbishment in two years.

“As mothers who have attended ACS it was a depressing sight for us to see the state of the laundry with its musky smell of dampness from stagnant mould accumulated over wood and wall paint peels and it was from that day that we vowed to do something about this,” she said.

Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, Taufa Vakatale and the youngest student at ACS cut the school birthday cake.

Adi Cakobau celebrates 70th anniversary

11 October, 2018, The Fiji Times

ADI Cakobau School (ACS) last week celebrated it’s 70th anniversary, marking the school’s journey since its establishment on October 1, 1948.

While speaking at the launching of the celebrations at the school in Sawani last week, chief guest and former President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau reminded the students to continue to uphold everything the school represents.

He said the school was born from the idea to uphold traditional Fijian values and customs and has reared women in all aspects of life.

“Women who have made a difference wherever they are placed. It has made politicians, diplomats, civil servants, medical professionals, university lecturers, economists, chartered accountants and professionals in other fields,” Mr Nailatikau said.

He said ACS had an outstanding legacy and the current students must continue to uphold this legacy in the years to come.

Hundreds of students, ex-scholars, families and friend gathered at the school ground culminating the launching of the week-long festival.