Rotuma Girl is 2014 Dux

By Fiji Sun Online | 27 November 2014)

Rotuma Girl Tops ACS

Noa’tau, Rotuma girl, Juleen Samuela, 19, was over the moon after being announced the Adi Cakobau School 2014 dux during the school’s prizegiving yesterday.

Juleen said she could not describe how she felt when her name was announced.

“I am relieved now because all my hard work paid off and what my parents did for me as well,” she said. 

She said being a Rotuman and educated at an iTaukei dominated school was never a challenge because the school had warmly welcomed any student who joined. 

“It was fine. They welcomed us, been very supportive and it has an all around learning approach and not only focuses on academic work. 

“My parents have always been supportive of me and the teachers at the school have always been encouraging,” she said. 

Juleen credited the school for giving her an opportunity to fulfill the potential she had. 

“Joining this school has always been a push factor in my achieving this award. We wake up early in the morning and study and being a boarding student has also been very helpful.” 

She also won subject prizes in English, Maths, Physics, the Best Science Student and the Fiji School Leaving Certificate Highest aggregate in 2013. 

Her mother, Selai Samuela, said her daughter deserved the award because she was always consistent in her work. 

She admitted her daughter to ACS because she wanted her to experience what boarding life was like in school, plus other things.

ACS Old Girls Celebrate 65th

The Adi Cakobau School Old Girls Association launched its 65th anniversary celebrations at their headquarters in Suva.

The Adi Cakobau School Old Girls Association launched its 65th anniversary celebrations with kind support of BSP Life, Home Finance Company and Vodafone at their headquarters in Suva yesterday.
ACS Old Girls Association Adi Litia Qionibaravi said this was a historic moment for the association and members.
“Former students of ACS can come together and celebrate the week-long event from September 28 to October 5,” Mrs Qionibaravi said.
She said their main focus during the week’s events would be the official opening of their new headquarters on Tuesday, October 1.
“We will have a celebration march which will begin from Ratu Sukuna Park to our Knolly Street property.
“We also have various activities planned which will continue through the day and also throughout the week,” she said.
Ms Qionibaravi said it was only 2010 when the ex- scholars resolved to get into a serious commitment and invest in real estate.
“We have now achieved a tangible realisation which speaks volume of our historical bond as a sorority.
Ms Qionibaravi said Adi Cakobau School had produced many distinguished women in Fijian society over the past 65 years, all of whom have achieved status in academia, politics, education, health, business, banking, sports, civil society, government and various other fields.
“A few notable products of this all-girls indigenous school include Dr Esther Williams, the deputy vice- chancellor of the University of the South Pacific, Dr Akanisi Keydrayale, dean of School of Arts and Law, Dr Adi Kesaia Seniloli acting dean of School of Business and Economics, Dr Adi Salanieta Bakalevu acting head of School of Education, Dr Laisa Naivalulevu the first Fijian female physician, Taufa Vakatale former Government Minister and politician, Anaseini Qionibaravi the first Fijian woman senator and Dr Adi Eci Nabalarua Dean of College of Education and Humanities at the Fiji National University.”
ACS project committee chairperson Viniana Kunabuli said this was a milestone achievement for all of them.
“We have about 2500 members,” Mrs Kunabuli said.
She said the association would continue to drive its mission to guide the ACS Old Girls contribution to the preservation of inherent indigenous values.
“We will continue to preserve the universal values in nurturing of women leaders at all levels of the Fiji’s societies.”
NewNet sales executive Paul Konou said people who wanted to know what was happening in the ACS Old Girls Association can now subscribe just by text messaging “sub ACSOG” to 777 to get all the latest updates.
“Each text costs 20 cents from which 20 per cent will go back to the association every month.
Mr Konou said this was a brilliant idea to constantly keep in touch and get all the important information of what was happening in the association.

Source: The Fiji SUN

Amelia Rokotuivuna (1941-2005)

YWCA, April 2021
from “Counting down to World YWCA Day” 

April 24 marks World YWCA Day. Every year on this date, YWCAs around the world celebrate this day and recognise the movement’s efforts in creating positive change for all women around the world. 

In Fiji and for our sister Ys across the Pacific, 2020 has been a challenging year with the impact of climate change including intensifying natural disasters at national and local level as well as the social and economic impact of the global pandemic of COVID-19. 

For more than 50 years the YWCA of Fiji has been part of a 160-year her’story of the YWCA which has been an incubator for building women and young women leaders. 

YWCA leaders and pioneers have taken action in communities to make human rights a reality – providing space for young women’s leadership and development, campaigning for a nuclear free and independent Pacific and women’s rights. 

The YWCA has contributed to building strong, powerful and humble advocates and fighters who have supported those around and promoted sisterhood every time, especially during a crisis. 

This year, as a member of the World YWCA movement we are venturing into a critical year of women celebration, leadership and action. 

Ahead of World YWCA Day 2021 we remember activists and campaigners who paved the way in establishing our national movement. 

Here is a tribute to Amelia
Rokotuivuna a Fijian feminist who fought for peace, justice and equality written by Anne S. Walker, AM, with excerpts from eulogies by Fiji Senator ‘Atu Emberson Bain and Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi, Vice President of Fiji. 

On June 2, 2005, a woman of extraordinary energy, passion and ability who dedicated her life to promoting peace, democracy and social justice, died in Suva, Fiji, at the age of 63. 

Amelia Rokotuivuna was a community leader far ahead of her time, who grew up in the Fiji mining town of Vatukoula and went on to become head girl of Adi Cakobau School, Fiji’s most prestigious college for girls. 

She was a founder of the Fiji YWCA, joining Australians Ruth Lechte and Anne S. Walker in 1962 to begin the programmes of an activist organization that worked for peace and democracy in a multi-cultural Fiji. In 1967, she attained a diploma in social administration and development from the University of Swansea in Wales, returning to become General Secretary of the Fiji YWCA in 1973. 

For the next two decades in this position, Amelia led the fight on issues such as equal rights for women, a nuclear-free Pacific, political reform and multi-culturalism. She advocated for those without a voice, reminding the great and powerful of their obligations to the poor and disadvantaged. Referring to her charismatic leadership of the Y during those years, Dr. Wadan Narsey, formerly an economics lecturer at the University of the South Pacific (USP) and regular columnist with the Fiji Times, wrote: “As an Indo-Fijian non-Christian male, I found myself on YWCA committees on issues such as economic justice, constitutional reform, the anti-nuclear movement and numerous other important issues of the time.” 

In furtherance of her anti-nuclear beliefs, Amelia took centre stage at the non-governmental meeting held parallel to the first United Nations world conference on women in Mexico City, 1975, speaking out against nuclear testing and raising the awareness of the world regarding the continuing abuse of the Pacific and its peoples by nuclear powers. 

The Fiji coups in May 1987 demonstrated the real character of Amelia. 

Never was her fearlessness and true grit more splendidly displayed. She defied many of her own people to commit to a multicultural, tolerant and caring vision of Fiji. Amelia, among others, was imprisoned briefly for her beliefs. 

From 1992 to 1995, Amelia worked as Programme Secretary for Advocacy for the World YWCA in Geneva. At the time of her death she was President of the Fiji YWCA Board of Directors and a lecturer at USP. 

Amelia leaves behind a son, Peceli, who continues her work as a community activist, brothers Apisalome (Mudu) and Sevuloni, sister Veniana and their families, and the family of sister Manaini (dec.). She will be sorely missed by family and friends alike, but her life spent in the search for peace, equality and justice in Fiji and the South Pacific will be forever cherished and celebrated. 

Remember to share the story of a Fiji YWCA leader you want to celebrate for their inspiration, courage, story, passion and sisterhood. These leaders are intergenerational, intercultural, intersectional and they remind us that leaders are beyond power positions, beyond designations and more in making an impact on communities, on lives and on individuals for the better. Let us celebrate this power of YWCA leaders from the local to global! 

Tribute source IWTC:
PC via Awid

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Amelia Rokotuivuna – A light shines on

By Dr. Warden Narsey, 17/03/2012

It is not easy, in a small society, to hold views that are different from your social group, especially when you are ahead of your time.

It is not easy to be a Fijian socialist, feminist, multiracial radical in a society driven by our potent mixture of patriarchal communalism and capitalism.

It is not easy to be honest with friends and foe alike, regardless of rank, status, wealth and power.

Amelia Vakasokolaca Rokotuivuna did all that, and more.

Born in the village of Vatukarasa(Tailevu) in 1941, Amelia lived her early years under the harsh conditions of the Vatukoula gold mines, where her father was a cook.

Yet she rose to being the Head Girl of  Adi Cakobau School, the premier and elitist Fijian school for girls.  She took on the charismatic leadership of the  Young Woman’s Christian Association (YWCA).

And till the end, she also remained the fun-loving warm human being, who passionately loved rugby, good wine, music and food, and the company of old friends.


Amelia was the firstFiji staff member of the Fiji YWCA founded in 1962, and became the first Fijian Executive Director in 1972.

The YWCA was known for its traditional roles in the vocational training of women.  But under Amelia, the YWCA also became a leader in the struggle for women’s rights, workers’ and union rights, and economic and political justice for all.

Amelia and the YWCA were one of the catalysts in the formation ofATOM(Against Testing on Murorua), FANG (Fiji Anti-Nuclear Group), and NFIP (Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific) which eventually became PCRC (Pacific Concerns Resource Centre).  Amelia was a leading advocate for the independence movements in the Pacific.

A focal point

At the Y, Amelia helped bring together many like-minded people of all races.  As a USP mathematics lecturer in 1973, I was pulled into a critical study ofFiji’s newly independent economy, being conducted by Amelia and the USP Student Christian Movement.

Fiji: a developing Australian colony was Fiji’s first radical publication,  suitably published with the authors recorded as Rokotuivuna et al, attracting the ire ofFiji’s political leaders and the elite.

An Indo-Fijian non-Christian male, I found myself on the YWCA committees on economic justice or inflation, part of a YWCA team making submissions to the Street Commission for constitutional reform, marching with the anti-nuclear movement, and numerous other YWCA activities.  For me, an added attraction to the Y may have been Amelia’s assistant at the time.

But the mathematician soon converted to being a life-long economist, sharing much in common with the social and political vision of Amelia and her friends.

Many others from USP and outside of the YWCA, were also drawn to the wide ranging activities of the YWCA, whether it be political education campaigns or modern dance.  Many of Amelia’s friends from that time continue to be active today.

Amelia the uncompromising

Amelia, as the Executive Director of the YWCA inFiji, came into contact with all kinds of powerful people: Prime Ministers and politicians, millionaire businessmen, corporate types, communal leaders and university professors.

She interacted with all with uncompromising honesty, regardless of their wealth, power, status or qualification.

Amelia was a Fijian commoner who expected the highest of standards from her chiefs.

She was a committed socialist who participated in labour movements, but refused to blindly follow leaders who fell short of her democratic and co-operative ideals.

She was a pioneer feminist who dismayed by the populist “Gucci feminists” she saw in later years, but buoyed by the large numbers of young women taking on leadership roles.

She was the head of an NGO that benefited from donations from the business community, but refused to compromise on her opposition to employers who refused to give a fair deal to workers.

Amelia loved her friends, but left them with no illusions if she disapproved of their behaviour or views.

Amelia was vehemently opposed to the ill-effects of free trade and globalisation.  Economist friends had to tread carefully when pointing out the many benefits of globalisation for the poor of the developing world, including the NGOs.

Rising to the Fijian challenges

It has been illuminating and humbling to see how Amelia as a fiercely proud Fijian, rose to the challenges of  being a good citizen in a multi-racialFiji.

While non-Fijians have had a tough time in post-coups Fiji, their issues and perspectives are fairly clearly defined.

But most educated indigenous Fijians are facing profoundly difficult choices between their communal traditions and obligations, and the pitiless modern demands to be materially successful and compete with “others” in a globalised world order,  while following rules set by international democratic ideals and market capitalism.

With the traditional leadership severely weakened, the ordinary common Fijians face the mammoth task of having to redefine their own personal roles and responsibilities vis a vis their immediate families, their mataqali, other communities, and the world.

For more than three decades, Amelia’s response to the critical challenges (such as the coups of 1987 and 2000) has been more radical than that of most Fijians.

In her personal life, she has been an honest citizen respecting the rights of all races, classes and genders in Fiji.  But she has also taken a strong leadership role over the years, advocated the same ideals for Fijians and the wider Fiji community.

She has naturally also paid a personal price – at times, facing alienation with some leaders, some friends, and even some family members. She has faced the occasional ostracism with stoicism and good humour.

Her purity of purpose has often been vindicated years later, with friendships being renewed as Amelia’s views were grudgingly recognised to be correct, or views which people respected, even if they agreed to disagree.

Remarkably, Amelia would maintain cordial social relations even with political leaders and persons  whose views were poles apart from her – a trait we would like to see more in our leaders.

Amelia   The bohemian

It never ceased to amaze me how Amelia cared so little for personal accumulation and wealth.

At one stage, Amelia worked for international organisations like the World YWCA with their relatively high salaries, in exotic locations such asGeneva.  But she chose to come back to Fiji’s low salaries, for the more meaningful life and challenges amongst her own people.

She loved and looked after the children of relatives.  She would cheerfully blow a large sum of money on a single meal with friends, whether at the Blue Boar in London or Biddy’s Steakhouse in Suva.

Like many other Fijian leaders of her generation, she ended her life with no property in her own name.

Not goody two shoes

Amelia was not the typical “goody two shoes” whose company is painful for normal frail human beings.

Amelia was a boisterous argumentative political wit who could out-talk most persons.

    She loved her red wine and she and some of her women friends could drink seasoned male friends under the table.  And their loud ribald joking was not for Sunday School children.

Amelia loved nothing better than to be next to tuneful guitars strummed by her numerous musician friends, men and women.

Friends will remember for a long time, the joyful image of Amelia surrounded by her ACS Old Girls crowd, belting out one classic Fijian song after another, and the melodious songs of the sixties and seventies.

Dying but not the end

More than a year ago, Amelia was diagnosed with cancer.  Supported by her numerous friends in Fiji and abroad, she went through her operations and subsequent treatments with courage.  She continued her joyous life.

The cancer returned and Amelia faced up to her impending end with good humour.  She was patient with the never ending stream of friends.  Last week her earthly flame was finally extinguished.

It was a privilege to have known Amelia for the last thirty years.  There are many subtle ways in which we are all changed by the company of charismatic persons.  Amelia was one such person who changed people for the good.

May her visionary light shine on.

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