Women in the RFMF | From one in the initial 41 back in 1988

Meri Radinibaravi | 10 April, 2023, 8:30 pm

The seven female officers who were commissioned in December, 1988. Picture: SUPPLIED

Part 1

The history of a national military force in Fiji goes way back to 1920 before independence. But one thing was certain then, the army was no place for women. Women worked in garment factories, were nurses, teachers, policewomen (the first joined in 1970), but most stayed home.

The concept “a woman’s place is in the kitchen” was widely embraced in Fiji and around the Pacific and women have always been considered as “soft”. This, in my opinion, was probably one of the reasons women were never recruited into the army.

It wasn’t until the incumbent Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka became the Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) in 1987 that he allowed the first batch of Fijian women to enter the RFMF in 1988.

Colonel Silipa Raradoka Druavesi Vananalagi was one of 41 woman who decided to break the stigma in 1988 by enlisting in the RFMF.

Out of the 41 women, only seven were commissioned as officers.

Originally from Taci Village, Noco in Rewa, Ms Vananalagi grew up in a family that was predominantly male to parents who also featured in Fiji’s political scene in the mid to late 1900s.

Her father, the late Atunaisa Bani Druavesi, was a banker by profession, but later joined the Soqosoqo ni Vakavulewa ni Taukei (SVT) political party.

Her mother Ema Druavesi was a career lab technician before joining the Fiji Trades Union Congress (FTUC) and later the Fiji Labour Party (FLP) for the 1987 election.

Ms Vananalagi was a student at the prominent Adi Cakobau School (ACS) when the 1987 coup happened.

That, she said, was the first time she “started seeing the green uniform”. “I was still in school in 1987 when the FLP won the elections of ‘87 and then we were told that school was closed because of the coup,” Ms Vananalagi reminisced.

“One of those experiences was mum arrested for a while, and I had to collect stuff from home and take it to her while she was still in CPS (Central Police Station).

“(She) was telling me what to do, what not to do, this is what to bring and all that and being a high school student at the time and facing that crowd of people in uniform, both police and military with guns — it was something challenging, but I had to do what she tasked me to do.

“That was when I started seeing the green uniform.”

When an advertisement appeared in the dailies for women to join the RFMF, Ms Vananalagi applied. That did not go down well with her mother. She had wanted Ms Vananalagi to follow her father’s footsteps in becoming a banker.

“I saw the advertisement on the local newspapers, and I decided to apply and interestingly, my mother was against me applying for the military.

“I was one of the fortunate females that was allowed to attend the women’s WORSBY (Women Officers Regular Selection Board).

“They called it the women’s WORSBY then, where they selected a few women to go through a four-day training program through which they did assessments to see whether you’re fit to be a future officer of the RFMF.

“They see all your calibres in leadership, team bonding and everything including social activities. “On February 5, 1988, we were at the Force Training Group (FTG) for our first day of recruit training.”

Ms Vananalagi said the challenges began as early as day one. “When we started, there was no boundaries between men and women.

“So, there’s this fitness test that we do, depending on the age group, and we women at that time, we had to run the same time with men and it was like running 2.4km in nine minutes.

“And after doing the run, you do the exercises.

“The sit ups, the press ups, and we actually did chin ups during that time and we had to do seven until I think it was in early ‘89 or mid ‘89 when they phased out chin ups for women but we did that during our cadet time and when we graduated.

“We thought we couldn’t do it, but we did it and like we were just challenging men at the same time.”

Ms Vananalagi said there were times when the 41 women were ridiculed for not being able to complete a certain task that men were able to complete. They were also made fun off for being the only women in the army.

This included being called names by army wives who lived in the barracks with their husbands and families.

“To be seen wearing the green uniform and holding guns, you would hear all sorts of comments, it was endless. “But I think the comments that we got during those days, that really built us personally, especially for me and my character, to what I am today.

“It has made me strong; I accept all sorts of criticism, I take on the constructive ones and I just disregard the nonsense one and just move on.”

Another challenge the women faced was the lack of privacy as there were no “women only” facilities because the army at that time, was not structured to include female soldiers. So, when the first batch of women entered the army, they had to use the same facility as the men.

“There was no proper infrastructure in place for women only, like sometimes we just wanted our own privacy and that we didn’t have that. We didn’t get that opportunity.

“If you go into a bathroom and if somebody comes along you had to say “ei au jiko qo i loma” (Hey, I’m inside here) and then you know the boys would know that there’s someone in there.

“Sometimes it was fun when you think of it because we used to rush to see who goes in first.”

But the main challenge that these women faced was the ranking system.

According to Ms Vananalagi, when they entered the force there was a policy in place that limited their promotion.

“When we entered in 1988, we had this policy that said that women could only go up to the rank of captain and once you get married, you have to resign and reapply to the force after you’ve given birth.

“If there’s a vacancy, then they take you back. “Nobody was there to guide us; we didn’t have proper mentors.

“It was lucky if you were in a unit where you will be told this is right and this is wrong.

“Otherwise, you will just go with the flow.

“There were courses, like as an officer you start off with doing Junior Staff Officers (JSO) course and then you go to grade three, grade two, then if you’re fortunate to do joint warfare, well and good.

“Otherwise, you’d do Staff College then to Defence College.

“But for us, we were told that we could only do JSO course, that was it.

“So, I think for us, as a team, we took on the challenge and we really tried to make our way to be recognised in the military, especially since it’s a maledominated organisation. “One wrong thing you do, they really pick it out fast and they will always talk about it every now and then.

“But for us, it was like a learning phase.”

Two RFMF Women Complete Intense Officer Military Training From NZ

Inoke Rabonu | 09 Dec 2020 13:00

Second Lieutenant Merelesita Cakau (left), Waiouru Military Camp Warrant Officer Class Two Glen Savage and Second Lieutenant Grace Qasevakatini after graduating as commissioned officers at Waiouru Military Camp in New Zealand on December 4, 2020.

When we felt like giving up we reminded ourselves of who we were doing it for, for Fiji and our families.

These were sentiments of two women from the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) who successfully completed a one-year intense officer training course from Waiouru Military Camp in New Zealand.

Second-Lieutenant Merelisita Cakau and Second Lieutenant Grace Qasevakatini were among 45 cadets from Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Timor Leste, Malaysia, Tonga and Papua New Guinea who were commissioned last Friday.

The Waiouru Defence Area, in the central North Island, is the premier training ground for the New Zealand Defence Force.

Second-Lieutenant Cakau and Second Lieutenant Qasevakatini add to the growing contingent of qualified and trained women now serving in the RFMF.

The two achieved 100 per cent in their fieldwork in the course.

Second-Lieutenant Cakau, 27, said she only wished she had her parents and close families over in New Zealand to share in her success.

The officer from Baidamudamu, Tavuki, Kadavu said: “At times we really felt like throwing in the towel but I have always reminded myself of who I was doing it for, it was for Fiji and my family.

“We are Fijians and we were sent from Fiji, if we fail we would paint a bad picture for the country.

“That is why we make sure we shine during the course of our cadetship.

“During our break we couldn’t visit our families because of the border restrictions of the pandemic so we had to remain in camp.”

Second-Lieutenant Qasevakatini said her steadfast faith and prayers got her through some of the toughest times in camp.

“Every day before we go out to the field or the forest for training we would always say a little prayer,” she said.

“One day while in the forest we were so worn out so I held Merelesita’s hands from the back and we both encouraged each other until we finally completed our task.

“That was us. We encouraged each other and we prayed for one another.

“For now we are ready to return to Fiji to meet our families and most importantly to serve our country.”

Of Sila Village in Cuvu, Nadroga, she said she was grateful for her family’s prayers and well wishes.

They return next week.


Silipa Vananalagi Is Second Woman Colonel In RFMF

Rosi Doviverata & Inoke Rabonu | 15 Mar 2022 12:39

Colonel Silipa Raradoka Druavesi Vananalagi. Photo: Nicolette Chambers

The second woman to be promoted to colonel in the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) has her work cut out for her.

Colonel Silipa Raradoka Druavesi Vananalagi was promoted last week by the RFMF Commander, Major-General Ro Jone Kalouniwai.

He said the promotion was long-overdue.

“I think it’s important for the RFMF with how things are happening now in both the security and the defence environment. The experiences have taught us that our female officers, soldiers play a very critical role in understanding the population and in getting out what is quite hard from a male approach,” Major-General Kalouniwai said.

He admitted that gender equality was still a work in progress at the RFMF.

“It is very important for us in terms of having that voice being in a leadership role looking at who to consult or having our strategic planning in place and our decision making process,” he said.

Major-General Kalouniwai was adamant to pursue gender equality during his tenure as Commander.

Colonel Vananalagi was moved and honoured by the trust shown by the RFMF leadership.

She acknowledged God and her family for their continued support.

With 33 years of regular force service, Colonel Vananalagi was well-aware of the challenges women face in the Force.

Her many years of study and service both here and abroad made her well positioned to be an agent of change.

She is currently the Commandant of the RFMF Officers Training School at Vatuwaqa.

Below is part of an interview with Colonel Vananalagi:

What were some challenges you encountered to get to where you are today and how did you overcome them?

Colonel Vananalagi: Recognition and acceptance in a male dominated work place was rampant from the start but you learn to live with it

   Infrastructure layout and plans in all military camps and establishments are designed for men only and no consideration for females. Things are changing slowly thanks the Global efforts on gender equality by the United Nations and other multinational organisations and governments.

    Fallouts from lack of or inadequate gender policies, education and awareness will always have a bearing on men’s mindset on how they treat and behave towards women. I used to ignore and learn to live with gender issues when I started, but now I feel it my duty to report any abuse or exploitation by males to HQ or to the arm of the institution that deals with such issues. If it is within my court I confront the culprit that is responsible for the offense and speak to him, her or them in their face

What motivates you?

Colonel Vananalagi: My motivation comes from observing the inspirational work of the following ladies:

    My Mother – Mrs Ema Druavesi – her mentorship shaped me to be who I am today;

    Iron Lady – Margret Thatcher – British Prime Minister – because she never mince her words and will never hold back from speaking out her opinion even amongst her male political counterparts;

    Indira Ghandi – First Indian female Prime Minister who was also an Iron Lady;

You’ve had numerous experiences working under various UN outfits. What are some lessons you’ve gained over the years?

Colonel Vananalagi: My UN experience covers the following missions:

    UNIFIL HQ, South Lebanon as a staff officer from 2000 – 2001

    UNDOF HQ in Golan Heights from 2013 – 2014 as a staff officer,

    UNDOF HQ, Syria as Chief Military Personnel Officer 2018 -2019,

    UNTSO United Nations Truce Supervision Organization Syria as Chief Observer Group Golan from 2020 – 2021.

You learn to work and communicate with people from all over the world. You learn to understand their cultures and tradition and in the spirit of the UN, no matter how small or how big your country is, we all have the same right to speak and be heard.The UN is the leading platform where gender equality is championed, exercised and monitored. The UN does not discriminate people based on gender, race, religion or ethnicity.

How do you hope to implement these learnings in the RFMF?

Colonel Vananalagi: Fortunately for RFMF, Fiji had ratified UN Resolution 1325 on Gender Equality and thus requirements under the resolution have now become current working policy of the RFMF which are strictly monitored by the UN.

My aim is to train, educate and raise the awareness level of all males in the RFMF as well as females on the UN Resolution 1325 because this is one of the better ways of changing mindsets and improving male attitude towards women.

How important is the role of women officers in the RFMF and in the context of global peacekeeping duties around the world?

Colonel Vananalagi: There are certain fields and position in the RFMF and in global peacekeeping that are suitable for women, but have been performed by men for so long because of the bias and discrimination towards women in the military or women in general.

Now that the UN and most governments have ratified the resolution, more women participation and engagements are witnessed nowadays.

Any advice for young women wishing to pursue a career in the military.

Colonel Vananalagi: My advice to them is have a goal and work towards achieving that goal through:





    Moral and Spiritual Fortitude

About Colonel Silipa:

Born: 31 May, 1969

Village: Taci, Noco, Rewa

Service: 33 years regular force service.


Mereseini Sokoilagi commissioned as the second female officer in the Fiji Navy

By Navitalai Naivalurua, Fijivillage | 20211302

Mereseini Sokoilagi is the first female naval officer to have completed all formal military and midshipmen training. [Image: Republic of Fiji Navy/ Twitter]

It was a historic day for the Republic of Fiji Navy with the commissioning of their second female naval officer.

Mereseini Sokoilagi is the first female naval officer to have completed all formal military and midshipmen training to the standard required of her to be warranted the rank of Ensign.

Sokoilagi who is from Naloto, Verata in Tailevu attended Adi Cakobau School before graduating from the Fiji National University.

She joined the Royal New Zealand Navy in 2019 for her officer’s training and after two years she attained both her Officer of the Watch Course and later the Bridge Watchkeeping Certificate.

Speaking during the commissioning ceremony, Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces Rear Admiral Viliame Naupoto says Sokoilagi will now be the lone female naval officer in the Fiji Navy as they had just farewelled the late Lieutenant Commander Silipa Kubuabola just a week ago.

Naupoto also reminded Sokoilagi and other Navy officers about the three pillars they should uphold which are loyalty to the institution, courage when faced with adversity and confidence in their good conduct.

Sokoilagi is now posted onboard the patrol boat RFNS Savenaca as an Assistant Navigating Officer.


Miriama Senokonoko In Top Form

Former Adi Cakobau School athletics sprinter Miriama Senokonoko is in top form after graduating from New Mexico Military Institute in the United States over the weekend. Senokonoko also competed in

By Eroni Tuinaceva, FijiSun | 20151905

From left: Fijian volleyball scholarship recipient Mere Serea, New Mexico Scholarship Co-ordinator Dan O’Connell and athletics scholarship recipient Miriama Senokonoko after graduatiing from New Mexico Military Institute last Sunday. Photo: Dan O’Connell

Former Adi Cakobau School athletics sprinter Miriama Senokonoko is in top form after graduating from New Mexico Military Institute in the United States over the weekend.

Senokonoko also competed in the 2015 National Junior College Athletics Association Championships and recorded 11.77 metres in the women’s triple jump final, placing 5th overall.

Analaisa Senokonoko, the 20-year-old’s mother, revealed to SUNsports yesterday that the former Coca-Cola Games champion had slowed down last year because of an injury.

“She sat out most of last season because she had suffered a leg injury. But this season she’s been focussing more on triple jump.

“Her coach at New Mexico Military Institute Jack Batson had been keeping us updated on her progress and he’s very pleased with what she has accomplished so far.”

Senokonoko had earlier this year in March set a new record for her school in the triple jump at the McMurry Warhawk Track and Field Invitational, jumping a distance of 11.30 metres, breaking the old record of 9.99 metres set in 2007.

Meanwhile, NMMI Scholarship Co-ordinator Dan O’Connell took to his Facebook page over the weekend to congratulate Senokonoko on her graduation from the institute and wished her well.

“Miri finished fifth in the nation in the triple jump. I want to thank their caring coaches Shelby, Pam and Jack. Mere and Miri will remember the life lessons their coaches taught. These ladies have been outstanding ambassadors of the ONOC/Australia Foundation junior college scholarship programme. Best wishes always and good luck in all you do!” he posted on his wall.

Graduating alongside Senokonoko was national volleyball scholarship recipient Mere Serea. Senokonoko is expected back in the country today.
