Midshipman Mereseini Sokoilagi is Navy First

A milestone for the Navy with the commissioning of the first ever seagoing female officer. 

Midshipman Mereseini Sokoilagi was commissioned to the rank of Ensign after completing her two year training in Fiji and abroad in New Zealand with the Royal New Zealand Navy. 

She conducted her initial officer’s training in New Zealand in 2019 and last year she acquired her bridgewatchkeeping certificate from the Royal New Zealand Navy after completing the Officer Of the Watch Course, a course which allows her to drive patrol boats and stand watch on the bridge. 

Ensign Sokoilagi hails from the village of Naloto, Verata, in Tailevu and was educated at Adi Cakobau School in Sawani. She has recently completed a Bachelor of Science degree from Fiji National University before joining the Navy in 2018.

The Commander RFMF Rear Admiral Viliame Naupoto officiated in the parade and was witnessed by Ensign Sokoilagi’s family and members of the Naval Division. 

Ensign Sokoilagi is now posted onboard the patrol boat RFNS Savenaca as an Assistant Navigating Officer. 

Source: Fiji One News

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