Tribute for late Taufa Vakatale

By Peceli Naviticoko, FBC News | 20232806

The Late Taufa Vakatale.

Opposition Leader Inia Seruratu has expressed his condolences on the passing of a giant in Fiji’s history, the former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Education, Taufa Vakatale.

Seruiratu says late Vakatale was a woman of firsts.

He adds she was Fiji’s first female Deputy Prime Minister; the first ever Fijian woman elected as a Cabinet Minister; the first indigenous woman appointed as a Deputy High Commissioner; and the first Fijian woman to serve as a Secondary School principal.

Seruiratu adds late Vakatale rose in the era when women, especially iTaukei women, had to contend with limits placed on them by society.

He says she shattered glass ceilings and was a role model for all women and young girls in Fiji.

Meanwhile, Labour Leader Mahendra Chaudhry says late Vakatale will be remembered for a long and distinguished career as a civil servant, educationist, diplomat and politician.